The male half of the couple across the street (the ones with the gorgeous orange tree in their side yard, yes, those people) has a heart condition. After windstorms, etc, the spousal unit usually picks up anything big that's blocking their driveway. He also raked and burned their leaves this fall.
I am batching it tonight (he's running the clock for a basketball game) and came home expecting to fix myself Nouilles à la façon de Ramen for dinner. On the porch was an enormous cooler box from one of those mail order fancy food places with our neighbors' name in the "sender" column.
I'm going to be eating shrimp-stuffed sole and a gourmet baked potato.
Add a glass of wine, follow with a hot bath and good book---and ENJOY! Blessings, Sharon
One does good deeds, expecting nothing in return. And then? A cooler of goodness! How cool is that?
I looked up your original meal and I was right. he he. looks like you had a much better meal on the porch. good thing the furry family members didn't find it first.
I was flanked by felines once they smelled the shrimp.
What a lovely gift!
How nice of your neighbors.. yesterday must have been gift receiving day.. I had a package of moose sausage on my door step that came all the way from Alaska.. we feasted on it last night too.
Sounds delicious. Did you share with the felines?
We are dealing with cat wars. Brought a new rescue kitten home and the primary cat, usually laid back, has been hissing like a teakettle. Any hints at reaching a detente?
Anne - give them time. Make sure 1 person is THE person to Primary. Make sure you always greet, feed, pet and brush Primary first. It will take time. Has Primary Cat ever had a feline roomie before?
Anne, Her Majesty still hisses and swats at Reserve Cat. Fortunately he grew up to be bigger than she is.
I'm told that my grandmother used to say: "Cast your bread upon the waters... and it'll come back buttered toast."
I think you got better than toast!
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