I'm back. Was trying to think of a quote about St. Louis and the only one that comes to mind is Confederate General Sterling Price's comment, when asked if he could take the city.
"I don't know as I can take St. Louis," he replied, "But if you give me some Louisiana troops I will undertake to steal it."
I think that I must begin to read American history - I know so little about it! Can you recommend a good basic book to begin with?
For the American Civil War, James McPherson's Pulitzer prize-winner,The Battle Cry of Freedom.
I'm a major Bruce Catton geek, but I would have to recommend at least three of his. If you only have time to read one book, TBCOF is the one to read.
I was so surprised to see a pic of my city LOL
I was staying at the (ahem!) Ritz-Carlton.
Did you check out the casino? :)
No, didn't stray too far from the conference, plus I'm not much for casinos.
StL is my fair city. Hope you had a good time!
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