Friday, August 16, 2013

You Know You're In Trouble When You Hear ---

"Hmmm...curious.  I've never seen that before."

Quoth the physical therapist, a nice English gentleman who warned me "You might find this unpleasant*" before putting me through a series of exercises that left me vomiting and covered with sweat.

It would appear that not only do I have Benign** Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, but I have it in both ears.

Fortunately the therapy I'm being given will clear it up in a week or so, although I'm not looking forward to the interim. He also told me to sleep in the recliner for a few days.

UPDATED TO ADD:  I have a host of friends.  One of them just pointed out helpfully that this proves I have rocks in my head.

*Typical British understatement.
**Benign, my ass.

(inner ear diagram from NPR).


Paxford said...

Sending Hugs
[I have Meniere's so much much sympathy for the vertigo attacks]

Oh.. and try to avoid any 3D movies or TV with fast swooping scene cuts. My Eyes tracking those are enough to kick off a vertigo attack


Shay said...

Oh, Paxford, you have my sympathy. BPPV goes away after a while, at least.

Ladytats said...

Sorry for the dizzies, so glad you will only have them for a bit.

mamafrog said...

Technically it is benign, until you run into something or fall down. That's when benign is relative to how much you hurt yourself. I have dizzy-ish spells from bp meds which get really interesting sometimes. 10 out of 10 do not recommend being dizzy, lol. Especially with cats around who like to "trip" you up, accidentally, of course.