Crocheted panholders and a poinsettia refreshment set of coasters and a pitcher mat. Two quilt patterns - "Save-all" - to use up every scrap you have, even the tiniest, and one for "Ring Around The Star." Transfers for the cross-stitch pets on the cover would set you back the magnificent sum of twenty-five cents. The download is available at the Antique Pattern Library.
Thanks for the scrap pattern! Now I know where to put the scraps from the cloth masks my sister and I are making since we are both unemployed at the moment. With generous donations of fabric, elastic and bias tape, 302 masks have been given away to EMTs (N95 covers), Dept. of Children and Families for home visits, Home Health Care aides and eldery clients, local hospital and nursing homes. 40 more leave this week. But wants to make a quilt to honor all the volunteer stitchers and their scraps. This will work!!!!!
Thanks for the scrap pattern! Now I know where to put the scraps from the cloth masks my sister and I are making since we are both unemployed at the moment. With generous donations of fabric, elastic and bias tape, 302 masks have been given away to EMTs (N95 covers), Dept. of Children and Families for home visits, Home Health Care aides and eldery clients, local hospital and nursing homes. 40 more leave this week. But wants to make a quilt to honor all the volunteer stitchers and their scraps. This will work!!!!!
Congratulations on the output!
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