Monday, September 8, 2008

Vintage Magazines-Modern Needlecraft

(any guesses on her waist measurement?)


Lydia said...

Would that measurement guess be before or after she tight-laced down?

Joyce said...

Was the photo retouched? Her right side looks awefully smooth.

Shay said...

It's probably my inability to get anything to scan correctly, Joyce :-)

Aimz said...

I would hate to think...certainly alot less than mine.

Kate/Massachusetts said...

Mmmm....18 inches? She looks tiny!

mamafrog said...

Any chance you can post the pattern? It's an interesting sweater--though I'd have to do some serious adjustments for the waist!! Mine is normal and hasn't looked like that since I was about, oh, say, 10!!!

Shay said...

Absolutely, MamaF! It will be my Tuesday pattern next week.