Friday, December 26, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes?

Christmas afternoon. Youngest nephew, oblivious of the grownups, is amusing himself in the corner with his new Lego set. "Now we're going to play taking cuts in line ahead of Italians!"

His parents have satellite but I'm still trying to figure out where that came from.


Aimz said...

lol that's cute!

Shay said...

If you've ever seen someone try to pass an Italian driver, yes it is cute...but since the nephew is only eight and has never been to Italy (or anywhere else, for that matter), where DID he come up with that?

Anonymous said...

LOL Kids say the strangest thing and sometimes there is no telling where they come up with it.

Not Important said...

I'd love to sit and chat with that kid for a few minutes. Pure comedy gold.