Sunday, May 31, 2009

2 sick 2 post

Sinuses. Sry.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear.. I have that too.. must be going around.. yesterday I thought I was going die.
Hope you're feeling better soon.

Packrat said...

Gosh, I hope you and Pat aka Posh feel better soon.

Aimz said...

oh you poor thing, I've just spent the last week battling sinuses and the flu too, hope you get better.

Suna said...

Poor you, I hope you'll get rid of the sinusitis quickly.

Shay said...

thanks, everybody. Poshie & Amy, hope you're feeling better.

The worst part was that even though I was abed for two days I was too sleepy to read. what a waste!

Not Important said...

Glad you're feeling better