Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Birthday Present

(Maybe next year I'll get my tortilla press).


Darla: Retro Ways said...

I to want a tortilla press!

Amazing book!

Packrat said...

Happy birthday. I hope you get your tortilla press. You might just have to buy it for yourself. :)

Joyce said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!
I want a pasta maker for my Kitchen Aid.. keep putting out hints.. we'll see :)

Aimz said...

cool pressie!

Stephanie said...

Mmmm....tortillas. Happy Birthday!

Sisiggy said...

I hope those aren't the WWII movies they used to show us in history class. You know, where the audio sounded like it was being driven over a washboard...

Miss Kitty said...


I'm hoping for a Martha Stewart "signature blue" KitchenAid mixer for my birthday. Another LOL! :-)

T-Mom said...

Hey, belated happy birthday!