Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Perhaps She's a Strict Deconstructionist

Trying to determine the political implications (if any) of Babyface eating our copy of the Constitution this morning.


Anonymous said...

LOL maybe trying to digest the information?

Ladytats said...

I'll bet she can interpret it just as well if not better then some of those whose job it is.

Packrat said...

Pat - LOL
Ladytats - You've got that right
Shay - I think she (?) is telling us that soon it isn't going to be worth much more than the paper is was printed on.

Aimz said...

she must've had good taste lol

Sisiggy said...

I think what she regurgitates will be the key.

Shay said...

I guess it's a good thing we have another copy :-0