Monday, July 13, 2009

So What Else Is New?

A biologist at the University of Sussex has published a study proving that cats manipulate their owners.


Aimz said...

yes I could believe that :D

Packrat said...

I haven't read the article, but anyone who has "been owned by" a cat knows this. Good pet "owners'" lives revolve around the pets - kind of like having babies in the house. :)

Ladytats said...

of course cats manipulate, they know a good thing when they see it. no one says cats aren't intelligent.
Shay, I took the 1930's housewife test, I got a 76 - superior rating, I'm not sure that is a good thing

Shay said...

I administered the 1930's "good husband" test to the spousal unit and he got a superior rating also.

I am very much afraid that test has less to do with the differences in 21st and 20th century marriages, and more to do with what kind of person one is. He is (and has always been) much better marriage material than I am ;-)

Unknown said...

I read that earlier, LOL! Of course! Cats rule! Dogs drool!! ;)

Su said...

And they somehow thought that was news? :)

Anyone who has been property of one knows it's true!

Rochelle R. said...

I don't know if my cat uses the same sound as they were talking about in the article but the one he uses can really irritate me so I feed him. Way more times than he really needs though, he is fat! Do yours use the sound described in the article?

Shay said...

Not Reserve Cat who is quite taciturn (and when he does speak it's a scratchy little "yaaah.")

Her Majesty has what I call her oratorio purr; lots of trills and top notes.