“A very simple needlepoint edging of ‘ye olden time’ is made as follows:
1. Count 6 points, join 1st and last by sewing, then draw the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th close together to form a point.
2. Count 5 points (on outside), join first 2, then draw next 3 together.
Repeat these 2 rows to required length.”

“The horseshoe pattern is an old and favorite one for rickrack trimming. It may be made as wide as desired, and serves prettily as an “allover” design for yokes, cushion-covers, etc.; may also be used as an insertion, the lace to match having a crocheted chain along one edge to sew on by.
1. Fasten thread with a double in point of braid, chain 3, * a treble in next point, chain 1, repeat from * until you have taken up 15 points of braid, turn.
2. Same as 2nd row, joining to top of 3 chain at beginning of 2nd row to form a circle, chain 8, fasten in 2 points next above circle, taking them together with 1 double, chain 4, connect next 2 points in same manner, chain 14, a double in point opposite the 2nd treble of 1st row. This completes the “horseshoe.” Repeat from the beginning until you have the desired length.”

“A half-wheel edging makes a pretty border for doilies, or may be used as a straight trimming. Fasten back the braid 5 points, overlapping 4, and the middle folded in half.
1. Fasten thread in the half point, (chain 3, a treble in next point) twice, taking each treble through the overlapping points, then continue with (chain 3, a treble in next point) 7 times, fold the braid as before, (chain 3, a treble in next point, putting hook through both or lapped points) 3 times, making 13 points, with 3 chain between, from the beginning, counting both sides folded back.
2. Chain 4, * a treble under chain between points, chain 1; repeat.
3. A treble (chain 3 for 1st, always) under each chain of last row, turn.
4. A double between each 2 trebles, chain 5, fasten across wheel in 1st double made, chain 4, fasten under last treble of 1st row, chain 4, fasten in point folded in middle, and repeat from 1st row to length desired.”

“A very pretty border with turned corner is useful in many ways.
1. Fasten thread a little at the side of a point of braid, chain 3 for a treble, make 3 trebles close together * chain 4, 2 trebles in the hollow, or depression, between points, chain 4, 4 trebles in next point; repeat from * until the corner is reached, then after the 2nd 4 chain make a treble in each of next 2 points, keeping the top loop of each on needle and working both off together, thus drawing the 2 corner points close together; then continue from *.
2. Two trebles under 4 chain (chain 3 for 1st treble of row), 4 in 4 trebles and 2 under following chain, chain 2; repeat; at corner, make 2 trebles under 4 chain, working off together, and 2 under next 4 chain, chain 2, and continue as before with the straight lace.
3. A treble in a stitch, chain 1, miss 1; repeat. At corner make a treble in last of 8 trebles and in 1st of next 8 trebles, drawing them together above the 4 trebles of last row.
4. A treble in each stitch; at corner join to top of treble following the 2 corner trebles of last row, slip back over 2 trebles, and continue; this makes a square corner.
An insertion matching this edge differs from it slightly, but may be made exactly the same, if preferred.
1. Three trebles in point of braid (chain 3 for 1st treble of the row), chain 6, a treble in depression between points, chain 6; repeat to corner, where chain 4, 3 trebles in next 2 points, taken together, chain 4, treble between points, chain 6, and continue as before.
2. Three trebles under chain, 3 in 3 trebles and 3 under chain following, chain 1; repeat to corner, where make 1 treble under chain, 1 in 2nd treble and 1 under following chain.
3. Same as 3rd row of edging.
4. Same as 4th row of edging.
5. From the outer edge, work as directed in 1st row to corner, where chain 6, 3 trebles in corner point, chain 4, 3 trebles in same place, chain 6, and continue.
6. Like 2nd row to corner, where make 3 trebles under 4 chain, chain 4, 3 trebles under same chain, then continue as before with treble in treble, 3 under chain, and so on.
7. Same as 3rd row to corner, where make a treble under 4 chain, chain 4, a treble under same chain.
8. A treble in each stitch, with 9 trebles under corner chain to turn nicely.
The straight lace or edging and insertion are pretty for many purposes, together or singly; the insertion makes a very attractive towel end. Used together they are very effective as a finish for scrim curtains.”
I'd go blind trying to do some of that edging.
BTW Shay where do you get your Needlecraft magazines?
I have this idea of collecting the entire run from 1919 to 1941 but am having trouble finding anything before 1925.
Thank you for the lovely edging patterns! How unusual to find any that use ric rac or any of the braids used in lace making or crochet. I really like the first edging; so very pretty.
Sorry, Needlecraft ran from 1909 to 1941
Nancy, I started buying up copies of Needlecraft about fifteen years ago whenever I ran across a copy. Up until about five years ago I had pretty good luck with eBay but now the earlier copies are getting scarce and the bids are getting higher. I have a pretty decent selection from 1915-1926 (and I have almost the entire year for 1921 and 1922).
The problem with Needlecraft is the size makes it darn hard to run through the typical desktop scanner, so I preserve them in bits and pieces.
The spousal unit has strict instructions to donate all of them to the ISU Theater Arts dept's costume shop when I kick the bucket.
Thank you for posting these crochet rick rack and edging patterns! :)
Lee Ann H
Crochet...Gotta Love It! Blog
Crochet...Gotta Love It! Website (crochet names and rosary patterns)
Thank you so much for so generously posting this information! I recently Graduated (others say retired) from my job as costume/makeup designer at a community college. Over 6 years ago I started some realistic "Cinderella" marionettes and am setting Cinderella and her kitchen in Arts and Crafts c 1916. I have antique cotton baby rickrack and lace from my Grandmother and should be able to approximate this look. THANKS AGAIN!
I'd love to see what you create, and publish photos here on the blog (with your permission, of course).
I think I squeeed so loud my cats are still hiding. The Horseshoe ricrack trim pattern is one I have been searching for! My great grandmother loved making trims and I have a short length of the trim from that exact pattern. Now I have something for my archive! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Always happy to help!
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