Several colleagues came after me this morning (I guess everyone’s getting tired of the third act of Camille coming from my office) and demanded I go to the doctor.
I have bronchitis, which isn’t surprising, but I’m kinda cranky that on my way out of the doc's, I had such a bad coughing attack that something went “poing” across the top of my ribcage and man, now it hurts.
Methinks you are falling apart. :( Hopefully, you will start to feel better soon. Some warm sun would certainly help.
oh, no, Shay, coughing is bad enough. Let's hope the antibiotics will help really fast.
At least your back didnt go out at the same time...knock on wood.
Hope you don't need this advice but-as the nurses told my late husband when he had heart surgery-take a folded blanket-or a firm pillow-and when you need to cough, hold it tightly to help stabalize things. I know-you were out and about when it happened-hopefully you are home in bed and this will help-along with meds, good tlc...and prayer! blessings, sharon
Take a large Dose of Drama Queen followed by a long nap with Reserve Cat. Then TAKE IT EASY
I regularly look at your blog from over here in England and I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling poorly. Time to give in to it and let a bit of rest with a sympathetic cat sort it out.
I love your blog. It's the only one I check on nearly every day. I would like to link to it from my own new blog (if I can figure out how to do it). Would that be ok with you? It's probably terribly British of me to ask, rather than just get on with it.
Regardless of all that anyway, I really hope you are up and running around soon (partly because I want to hear more about Thing 1 and 2 of whom I have grown very fond).
Julie: It's always nice to be asked. Please feel free to link!
Glad you like the Things. I'd like them better if they'd stop making me laugh so much -- hurts my darn ribcage.
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