Cookery For Little Girls, by Olive Hyde Foster. Unlike most cookbooks aimed at the juvenile market, this was not written for little girls but rather for their mothers. Most of the recipes aren't bad but use your discretion. I personally wouldn't want to eat an egg that had been hard-boiled for thirty minutes.
Love that picture. Have you ever blown up an egg? I did it twice, went off and forgot them. Wrecked two saucepans that way. I hope their jelly set. Mine never does.
Well, it does say HARD boiled. I am imagining one of those Super Balls.
Believe it or not, I was told you had to boil eggs for 30 minutes. I was petrified of runny yolks so it was awhile before I figured out they set up a lot faster than that. Have learned a lot of other things along the way too. You don't have to cook green beans to mush. Navy beans do NOT take all day or even half a day to cook. You don't have to add salt to food except if that is your preference when canning/freezing. Need I go on?
Gina, honey, you're a Southerner. South of the Mason-Dixon line, it's illegal NOT to cook green beans to mush!
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