The headquarters building of our local Big Corporation is so big (it’s a twenty minute walk from one end of their main complex to the other. I’ve hiked it) that the mail is delivered by robots. They scurry happily around, beeping and looking like benign Daleks, and are programmed to stop at the various offices in response to sensors that are hidden either in the walls or the floor, I’m not sure which.
Unfortunately there are a lot of my kind of people working there and a recent memo was sent out to ask employees to please stop putting masking tape across the carpeting to confuse and misdirect the robots. The suits also want an end to the practice of decorating them with all kinds of odds and ends including, or so I’m told, some very rude and inventive signage.
Now, that is sad that people are no longer delivering the mail.
They are stifling your creavitiy! This is ART, people, art! Ok it is also a little mean and amusing but so is not using a real person to deliver the mail. This could be a real opportunity for a dis-abled person to contribute and earn some money. Still it is very, very funny.
The history of our enormous office building includes a mail robot back from the 1980s. I was not here at the time, but that would have been cool.
I would definitely be one of those people decorating the robot with odd items. I can understand the Suits' concern though. A humorous item tagged on the robot in one office becomes the sex harassment lawsuit in the next office. The community of the easily offended lay in wait for opportunities like that.
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