Saturday, November 15, 2014

The World Is Full of Idiots

Some assclown posted a faked news story on Facebook that there were three people being monitored for Ebola symptoms at our local hospital.  I got texts, emails, and even a phone call (at home, at 2230).

Not a jury in the world would convict me....


Lady Anne said...

Isn't there a law against that? Sort of akin to shouting "FIRE" in a crowded theater...and I'll serve on your jury. "Never heard of the lady in my life, your honor."

Shay said...

That was the analogy I used, madame...only somewhat more profanely.

Bunnykins said...

What's the punishment for pulling the fire alarm in a public place?
This (insert word here) should have his access revoked.

Sam said...

I think these idiots should be made to clean public restrooms over the holidays for being so stupid.