Sunday, December 20, 2015

Nightmare Food

I can’t remember if I’ve posted this before (From Dainty Desserts for Dainty People, courtesy of Knox Gelatine circa 1915), but it looks as though it has fangs and would turn on anyone unwise enough to attempt to eat it. 

The rest of the illustrations in the booklet are far less menacing.


Anonymous said...

That's probably the most revolting recipe idea I've ever seen! I wonder who actually made or Ate this...


It looked like a bunch of little Santa Clauses to me. Dainty, indeed!

Bunnykins said...

I see sea slug. Wish I'd seen Santa Clauses instead.

Lady Anne said...

You know, you'd have had had to be REALLY, REALLY hungry to even consider that thing. I've eaten tongue before; I'd rather have prairie oysters. No wonder it didn't take the Squire long to convince me to become a vegetarian.

Anonymous said...

I have a mild liking for tongue cooked with herbs . . . occasionally. But this . . . this is . . . aside from the horribleness of the recipe itself, I think it's probably ceased to actually be food, by the time you've messed with it to this extent.