Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Sam's Cross (Tatting from 1953)

Sam's very well-done version of this cross, of which she was kind enough to send me a photo. It's always nice when someone actually uses one of the patterns that's posted here!


Sam said...

I've never been published for tatting before. Thanks!

Bunnykins said...

Sam traded me for her lovely work making this cross (and a little star, too). I can't tell you how beautiful it is in person. Tatting is magical: thread capturing air. I was thrilled to get it. So beautiful.

Shay said...

Thanks for giving me permission to show your work.

May said...

"thread capturing air," what a wonderful way to describe tatting!

Sam said...

Any time, Shay, any time. I will start that floral doily edging after Christmas.
Bunnykins - what a poetical description of tatting!