Evidently Google now will snatch photos off your drive and enhance them. It coyly notified me that a picture I'd snapped had been through the process to make it look like something by Eugene Atget. Anyway, that's Sheba and a ball of vintage cream mohair that I now have to hide.
I recognize that "Oops, remember I'm cute, very cute" face. Zip lock bags are a knitter's best friend. I save all the bags that sheets/blankets come in, too, as plastic boxy bags with zips are too good to waste, and, full of yarn cakes, they stack really well and let you still see your stash. That little miss really is trouble on the hoof. Welcome home! P.S. Google does that?!
Sheba is merely trying help by adding more fiber to this yarn. Really! Beats my Maine Coon boy taking my tatting shuttle and running around the room with it when i was winding it.
I don't use a picture service after finding my settings had been changed to public by the one I was using. Of course, the only pics I have are boring: decorating/gardening/needlework and the like, nothing worth a gawker's time. Cloud service is really only a large server farm with (to me) questionable security, but it's convenient, so it's a trade off.
I recognize that "Oops, remember I'm cute, very cute" face. Zip lock bags are a knitter's best friend. I save all the bags that sheets/blankets come in, too, as plastic boxy bags with zips are too good to waste, and, full of yarn cakes, they stack really well and let you still see your stash.
That little miss really is trouble on the hoof. Welcome home!
P.S. Google does that?!
Google does WHAT?!
That was almost enough to distract me from a (really-truly-very) cute cat . . . yeah, I know that look!
My cats view that as their own form of "knitting." Well, maybe organic felting is more like it...
Sheba is merely trying help by adding more fiber to this yarn. Really!
Beats my Maine Coon boy taking my tatting shuttle and running around the room with it when i was winding it.
Google sent me a notice (which I deleted, darn it) saying in effect, Hey! look what we did with the photo that you took!
Which is kind of creepy, when you think about it.
I don't use a picture service after finding my settings had been changed to public by the one I was using. Of course, the only pics I have are boring: decorating/gardening/needlework and the like, nothing worth a gawker's time. Cloud service is really only a large server farm with (to me) questionable security, but it's convenient, so it's a trade off.
With all four paws dug in, I think she really has plans for that yarn.
Hoo boy! I hope you got there in time!
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