Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Just A Couple of Good Ol' Boys

First volunteer: (Hunting and pecking on a laptop) How do you spell "destroyed; "D-E-S-T-O-R-I...?'

Second volunteer: (slyly)  R-U-R-E-N-T.

First volunteer:  "Ruint."  Yeah, that works.

(It was a good day, all told; I managed to get my hands on a pillow last night).


Bunnykins said...

Worked to a state of stupor. I sure hope the state government or the Red Cross gives all the volunteers some token of appreciation for the hard work you're doing.

Sam said...

Glad you found a pillow. Any chance of finding those volunteers a dictionary?

Shay said...

I actually left out a key word in the story - volunteer #2 was doing a massive leg-pull on volunteer #1.

What's really missing is the accent - both them them having deep, soft, down around the ankles Alabama drawls.

Skubitwo said...

yessir. a friend once commented she had no idea the name "Ed" was a three syllable word until she heard my mother yell it at my brother. eh-yuh-duh

Lady Anne said...

The Squire was raised along the Tennessee North Carolina border, but you'd never know it to talk to him. My family is British and it shows in the way I speak.

We had to learn sign language so he could translate between his family and his wife.

moshrabbi121 said...
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