Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Oh The Weather Outside

I've already let the county EMA know that if we have to cancel any more Wednesday night classes, the entire kennel club is going to come down and pee on their tires.


May said...

Bwah, ha, ha! :-)

mamafrog said...

I just let the dogs out for the last pee, 11:15 pm here in beautiful Oklahoma City, and it's snowing. Though, to be honest, my birthday is Monday and my mom has always said I was born on the worst snowstorm of the year so... We get winter a little late here usually.

Sam said...

So that's where New England's snow went to.

Lady Anne said...

Come to Maryland. We haven't had any snow to amount to anything - twice we got less than half an inch, only of the grass. Right now, it's 50-f and cloudy.

Bunnykins said...

I found your snow. I'm outside of Toronto. It's been snowing gently for 3 days, wet, tiny snowflakes that melt down a bit during the day. So far only 3-4" has stuck, turning the cedar hedge and deciduous bushes in the garden into a Bing Crosby Xmas movie set. The birds nest cedar looks like a squashed marshmallow. More snow is expected every day until Sunday, 4 - 10" or more to come. Further north, they're expected to get about 18-30" or more. We keep a heater in the birdbath all winter so the creatures can find a drink.It looks like a frosted martini glass with snow on the edge and water in the bowl. As long as I don't have to shovel, I'm good.

Shay said...

Oh, yeah...Brian came in yesterday and called it "heart attack snow." Fortunately he has a blower.