Tuesday, June 2, 2020


I am too angry to post right now.  Sorry.  UPDATE:  On top of everything else, the Atlantic hurricane season officially began on Monday.  

What next, locusts?


Nic said...

I'm so sorry that all this is happening.I'm angry,too.

Bunnykins said...

Virtual hug from the other side of the border. Enuf said.

May said...

Angry, horrified, and sad.

Lady Anne said...

We're ALL angry! I loathe that "man", and I don't like what he is doing to my soul.

Shay said...

Bunnykins, I can't imagine this is very comfortable for you all, either. "What borders on insanity? Canada and Mexico."

Bunnykins said...

Oh, that's funny. I really could do with the laugh, thx. As for what Canadians think, see the PM's 22 second nonplussed pause. Meanwhile, he's using the opportunity to point out rather forcefully that Canadian's aren't exactly saints.

Shay said...

I think it was a measure of the magnitude of Trump's idiocy that an incredibly polite Canadian had to stop and think for 30 seconds before finding something neutral to say.

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