Saturday, August 1, 2020



Bunnykins said...

A quiet faint will do. Did you see the muscles on that cat?

Nic said...

I'd really like some scale. Please tell me those are saplings, not trees.

Sam said...

Opposite? sossossossos

Shay said...

They are either saplings or someone photoshopped the lion.

Bunnykins said...

Given that the trees are all about the same size, they could be saplings grown from seedlings planted in a reforestation effort. Or photoshopped. It's hard to tell these days.
Definitely sossossossos (and play dead.)

Shay said...

I wonder what would happen if you barked at it?

Bunnykins said...

Well, the approved way to make it move, is to raise your arms over your head, wave them about, and make a loud noise or blow an air horn (like everyone carries one,eh?) Never look one in the eye. Don't crouch, play dead, or run away. You're supposed to look big and threatening.
So, yes, barking loudly while doing all the other stuff might work. Doesn't bear thinking about. gah