Tuesday, March 8, 2022

This Is What I Get For Using Non-Union Labor

Helping to sort socks, which is why it took twice as long as usual.

Daring me to iron that flannel shirt.

Showing his appreciation for the stack of table linens I warmed up for him.


Cindy said...

Ironing a flannel shirt? He's right to try to save you from yourself.

Sam said...

Just letting you know the Gravity Bill was not paid yet...and yes, flannel loves a good pressing.

Lady Anne said...

One f our cats used to chase the scissors when I cut patterns. I was always afraid I'd snip her little toes.

mamafrog said...

Lady Anne, the minute my older cat heard the crinkle of tissue paper from a pattern he had to come walk on everything and check them out. Kitty seal of approval, of course.

And I love the first pic, such an air of "I'm gorgeous and here's my newest pose for your enjoyment." Such a handsome boy!

Shay said...

Yes, he is quite cute - and you notice the death grip he's got on those socks!

May said...

Me: "Here's your new cat bed."
Cat: "No."
Me: "I just washed those clothes and now you're getting cat hair all over them!"
Cat: "Yup."

Shay said...

Yeah, I went to iron a blouse for tomorrow and had to take the lint roller to the ironing board cover first...

mamafrog said...

I'm moving stuff out of my son's home to live with my mom and I noticed a serious reduction in dust and fur on everything, lol. Like, about three dogs worth now. My mom currently has seven cats in the house, three adults and four kittens. The kittens are ferals from the herd outside that she decided to coax inside.I'm sure there is fur and dust, just far less than three dogs. Two of the dogs are serious fur shedders, and one is just a runner up. Though mom does seem to have a lot of fur on her clothes I haven't seen much on mine yet. We won't discuss the fur rhinos I saw under my bed at son's house...

Shay said...

The Batdog is "blowing" his coat right now, and it's awful.