Friday, February 17, 2023

Quote Of The Day


photo from the NY Times

I cannot state it often enough because it really is something that I believe in my very core; we must never forget that with disasters it is not a question of 'if' but of 'when.' ~ Dame Sue Black


Sam said...

"When" is why my household has a go-to list of who & what to take if we ever needed to evacuate.
Things like a picture of the cat with the vet's phone number taped to the carrier.Yeah, dad was a 1st Aid Instructor for the Red Cross decades ago.

Shay said...

I don't know about other countries, but several surveys done in the US over the past 20 years show that only about 50% of all households have any kind of disaster plan.

PattycatX6 said...

I have a plan for my family. I do not consider myself a "Prepper" but I fully believe in being prepared for all kinds of problems.

May said...

Planning ahead means not having to join all those people scrambling at the stores before a storm. It's easier in the long run.

Bunnykins said...

I really need to get go bags together; it's been on the list for too long. We have a closet turned into an emergency pantry since covid, and another stash of batteries/light bulbs/paper products/cleaning stuff/basic meds. But no go bags.