Thursday, April 13, 2023

You Snooze, You Lose


I got up from the sofa to put another log on the fire and - 


Sam said...

You lovingly pre-warmed a comfy spot for the dog. Dog thanks you but now Cat wants spots warmed on the bed.

Shay said...

He's such a handsome boy...and such a sweetie. Yesterday I took the day off from the Red Cross because I had appointments out the wazoo, and one of them was his regular session at an elementary school where we do TBWA (Therapy By Walking Around) and not reading therapy. We were brought a first grader who had been having a screaming, wailing melt-down and Baldur (the Little Man's *real* name, not just nom du blog) lay down with him and allowed pets and cuddles until the child was ready to go back to class.

Bunnykins said...

What a good dog! It's amazing how patient some dogs are with children. He's got that "but, I'm cute" look on his face as he steals your spot.