Monday, May 13, 2024

Weird Holidays - Happy National Frog Jumping Day



mamafrog said...

WooHoo!! My new favorite holiday, I have a serious frog thing going on. Besides my "emotional support stash" I have a huge collection of frog...uhm...things? Statues, candles, pictures etc. I've always liked frogs (yes, even the horror schlock film about them). Family have gifted me many frog tchotkes over the years. Best thing of all, we have tree frongs in the bushes out front of the house and I go out to listen to them at night. And I meant that spelling, lol, it seems appropriate for them.

Sam said...

Why, I do jump when I see a frog in the wild.

Shay said...

I figured this holiday would be right up mamafrog's alley. Besides, it gave me the chance to use that beautiful graphic.

mamafrog said...

Thank you for introducing me to it and I do love the graphic.