Thursday, June 13, 2024



And in other news, a German shepherd, a collie mix, and a Great Dane walked into a bar...

(The vet's actually.  Batdog was SO good and I am proud of him.  I'm not sure the gentleman who walked in with the cat  made a good choice to have kitty in his arms rather than a carrier, though).


Skubitwo said...

national park service site - Living your life to the fullest does not have to involve selfies with bison.
sub-caption snips: "Think of the paperwork ... In conclusion, choices. Make good ones."
inside the hashtag list is "#DontPetTheFluffyCows"

it is fun to watch Forest Service and Park Service try to come up with new warnings every year that might impress those who think the bears with cubs are tame, or the moose, or that the bobcats like nothing better than a cuddle with the baby.

Sam said...

I feel for the NPS having to constantly tell people to use common sense. But their FB Lego posts are fab! As for entering a vet with a cat in your arms - if it is an emergency, I'd do it. otherwise, nope. Bad idea and lack of common sense.

May said...

Even in an emergency, wrap kitty in a towel, 'cause claws...

Shay said...

Yeah, whatever the salary is for the bureaucrat who is running the NPS social media accounts - it's not enough.

Mamafrog said...

No joke, there are real idiots out there still in Bambi mode about wild animals. Have they never looked at some of these animals? I mean really looked? Some of those critters are kinda crazy and I can’t say as I blame them. Buffalo and moose especially scare me, I’m short and fat and don’t run too well so no getting near them!

Shay said...

You know that bumper sticker that reads "Always hike with someone slower than you?"

I'm that someone.