Thursday, February 27, 2025



photo from r/germanshepherds

If I can give you no other piece of advice, it's this.  Don't have a pet dog.  Get a cat, get a budgie, get fish.  40% of all unexpected bodies are found by people walking dogs. ~ Forensic anthropologist Dame Sue Black


Sam said...

So that's how the cops solve the murders - dogs! Aside from the digging, barking, shedding and ball obessions...dogs can be rather fun.

mamafrog said...

Don't forget the licking, pawing and drooling. Gave my plate to Doberman I had once because the floor was getting soaked. I couldn't blame him, it was biscuits and gravy and I tend to drool a little at it!

Anonymous said...

Her book "Written in Bone" is very good (but not for the faint of heart).

Lady Anne said...

Just reserved it at the library.

Shay said...

This actually happened to youngest sister, she was walking her dog in a park in Seattle when it found a body (suicide, not murder). Good thing she's an RN although it still gave her a bit of a shock.

mamafrog said...

There's a great start to your week, and I'm truly not surprised about it being in Seattle! Such a crazy place honestly.