Saturday, March 8, 2025




mamafrog said...

One of my cats had a royal case of the "icky sicky" a couple of nights ago, on the only rug in the room. The rug/mat under the cat box, lol. Much easier to clean up as it could just be thrown in the washer.

Shay said...

they have a knack.

Sam said...

I'll take the rug over my shoe or my bed...

May said...

Now I can't get that song out of my head

mamafrog said...

Or getting out of bed in the middle of the night and stepping in it, bluuurgh!

mamafrog said...

Well, I hate to ask, but maybe it will go away, what song?

Marie said... one hit wonder, THIS song mamafrog

mamafrog said...

Oh good grief, now I'm hearing it! Though it did make me laugh.

Shay said...
