"Pick a color that sings for this pretty cotton coquette." (From Smart Sewing, 2d Edition, 1950).
The instructions can be downloaded from my Flickr account. This includes directions for gathering the fabric using elastic thread, but I'm thinking that the pre-gathered cotton sundress fabric that the big fabric chains are carrying right about now, would work very well for this. The two-tier skirt looks so cool and flattering.
That's darling! I love the big poofy sleeves, but I think I only love them on the model (or someone in the appropriate age range). I wonder if anyone still makes elastic thread. It sounds like a wonderful thing to play with!
hey there, I came here through Kitchen Retro - just saying hi :-)
Wow, never thought of shirred retorted dresses and tops, got loads of ideas now, some I can remember from my childhood in 1960.
Whoops silly computer, should read vintage
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