Thursday, July 23, 2009

Exposed Flanks

He came home last night with a big bloody patch on his back where some fur was missing. We're keeping an eye on it in case it develops into one of these.


Packrat said...

Oh, those darn cats. They can get into so much trouble. (One of mom's is permanently crippled from being in a fight with something.) I hope he will be okay.

Su said...

OH, I hope he's OK. There are too many big fierce things in the world. :(

Rochelle R. said...

Sure hope he doesn't get a bad infection this time.

Shay said...

Yes, the Giving of the Pills is a ceremony we prefer not to undertake. Particularly with cats.

Aimz said...

aww poor wee thing, our two are due to get neutered this week, they're now 6 months old, I guess that's gonna start happening to them once they start roaming at night.

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

When my sweet kitty comes home all banged up I use my Therapeutic Grade Essential oils on his wounds. I will use lavender as an antiseptic and frankincense to kill germs and assist it to heal from the inside out. I also keep the wound opened for a few days to heal inside out. An abscess is no fun for him. This process has worked like a charm every time. No pills for my guy. Silly cats.

~ ~Ahrisha