Friday, October 30, 2009

Quote of the Day

There is no such thing as a dangerous woman; there are only susceptible men. ~ Joseph Wood Krutch.


Packrat said...

True to a point if taken out of context. There are some women *I* wouldn't want to cross. :0

A said...

Quite true

Packrat said...

I was just outside with the dogs and cats. The moon is almost full and there is fog to the southeast kind of blocking the moon. The west is clear with puffy clouds and the sky is still glowing. Very eerie. Perfect Devil's Night. (We weren't allowed to leave the house on Devil's Night. My parents didn't want us out running the streets. We usually made up for it the next night, although I can't remember doing anything terrible.)

Shay said...

Ouch. I forgot about Devil's Night. Would not want to be in Detroit right now.