I know that I usually post vintage book covers on Mondays under the category Ephemera, but I've just realized that I have so many accumulated that like chimney-sweepers, I shall come to dust before I have a chance to share them all.
This is a sweet, old-fashioned romance that is available on Project Gutenberg. It's all the more old-fashioned because the thoroughly modern author is writing somewhat patronizingly in 1904 about a sweet, old-fashioned romance of 1822 (much as I am writing somewhat patronizingly about 1904 and someone in 2035 will no doubt write patronizingly about me). Love the hollyhocks and the curtains at a bungalow casement window.
Project Gutenburg is Great! I don't listen to the audio books so much now that is is summer, but come winter time, I'll be fetching up Jane Austin and others to keep my entertained whilst I knit.
Sounds like a great find...have you checked your local library for other vintage books? They're a great resource to buy vintage books really cheap! We sell them at our library between 25 and 50 cents. Somebody once donated a 1930 copy of the Wizard of Oz (this wasn't the original title). Can't wait to see what others you find!
I love old books regardless of their content. Thanks for sharing.
That's lovely, how about some scans of the inside?
If you click on the link, the entire book (with illustrations) is online ;-)
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