Real life is interfering with blogging this week (and next week, and probably the week after).

I have not had time to dig something out of my stash, so I am going to link to some vintage patterns for crocheted toys from the wonderful ladies at Purple Kitty. Enjoy!

(Scroll about half-way down the page).
So cute. Thanks.
Hope all is well. Please don't work too hard.
What super cute toys!
Packrat: All is well, we are winding up our vaccination campaign (and I use the word advisedly). Four more clinics between now and next Wednesday and we're done.
(okay, I have two classes to teach, one tomorrow at the local university on emergency preparedness and public health, and one next Thursday at the Red Cross on fundamentals of disaster assessment, but then we're done. Except for the budget meeting and the training meeting and two staff meetings and a conference call with the regional public health office and two scholarship applications to write. Then we're done. Seriously).
Oh and did I mention the four-day conference in Atlanta the week after that?
Oh my! Wears me out just reading about it. Wishing you a safe journey. Maybe you can find an antique mall or hit a few thrift shops in Atlanta. (There used to be a huge antique mall on one edge of town. Don't ask which edge; I was with someone who knew where she was going. lol)
But wait! There's more!
I found out 2 hours ago that I get to rise at 4am on Friday to drive to St Louis for an earthquake seminar! I can't believe how lucky I am.
Hope the roads will be clear and the weather good. Will be thinking of you.
Thanks so much for linking to these patterns. I promise myself to make that cute doggie!
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