An partial run of the woman's magazine Australian Home Journal, with recipes, romance stories, advice to the lovelorn, fashion tips, free dressmaking patterns to draft and tons...tons...of vintage knitting. Over 800 glorious pages (a few of which, alas, are missing) from archive.org. Hat-tip to CraftStylish for the link.
Here I thought I was only going to quickly glance at blogs this morning. HA! Look what you did to me! LOL
Note: I tried to load this with PDF but after 20 some minutes, it was still just "sitting" there.
I'll try again later. I so want to look at this. Thank you and thanks to CraftStylish
The download takes forever....and then I spent three nights reading the magazines. "Abandon hope, all ye who" etc etc.
I have a couple of these, from later in the 1950's (helps if you live in the country I guess)
I should try and post them on line - the adds are fun (esp as I can remember some of the brands - like Curlypet - didn't make my 'ringlets' hold!)
I'm waiting for someone to scan and archive some of Enid Gilchrist's pattern books; you can't get them here for love or money.
Hey, thanks for the link to this--I have had more fun looking through these!
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