Friday, January 24, 2025

Offered With No Comment


"She's not very good at her job."  Donald Trump


Sam said...

Well, turnip, you'd have to have gone to school in order to know what her job is. She is brilliant at what she does. turnips are not.

occhitat said...

Agreed, Sam!

Anonymous said...

Isn't a call for mercy and love one of the most important duties of the clergy? What does it say about you if you become incensed by that?

Skubitwo said...

thank you, Shay, and all the rest of you for being the best commentors. living in an aggressively flaming red state, i sometimes feel like i'm the only one who does not worship the turnip, outside of my hubs.

Lady Anne said...

Trump said the service was "Boring". Perhaps he might prefer a livelier church. Some still practice snake handling, from what I understand.

Shay said...

Or speaking in tongues.

Lady Anne said...

Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Isn't that what she said? If Trump and Shady Vance were really such good Christians, they'd know than the clergy's job is to call their flock to repentance. She's VERY good at her job.

Anonymous said...

Actually, more people voted against him than for him.